Current status.

Posted by Adam Noakes on



The process of sorting returns and sending photos with timestamps is taken far longer than anticipated, and desired. This process is still going on although is 90% complete.

Cards have been going out in droves and have already been received. As communicated via email, this is a slow process due to the financial element of sending this amount of packages.

Some people have chosen to pay for postage returns, which is an option I haven't pushed given the circumstances - but this will expedite returns if desired.


To date; a total of just over $30,000 has been settled via claims to financial institutions (PayPal, Shopfiy chargeback and banks) with more in progress.

I hold a negative balance across all accounts in light of the above. The current advice is you put a claim in with the payment provider you paid THE CARD VIP via, without delay.

I am doing everything to help these claims go through to resolution in favour of the customer.


Apologies, again, for delays in all communications on an individual basis - the entire process of dealing with individual submissions as per the process above and communicated previously, solo, means comms get swamped and things slip with replying at times. Thanks for continued patience with this.


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